Unique Approach



Our therapists’ depth of experience treating Autism means Team Autism Memphis has a vast array of successful approaches to utilize with each case. Our clinicians receive ongoing training and mentoring by professionals from around the country allowing Team Autism Memphis to recruit and retain highly experienced clinicians.  Each family has the opportunity to meet our clinicians and plan treatment as an interdisciplinary team with the same philosophical background valuing the family’s priorities.


As we know, each individual with Autism has a unique set of needs. Our knowledge base of treatment can ensure the most optimal outcome. Our approach prioritizes the individual profile of the total child when developing a treatment plan, not just a single discipline. We work with the family and primary caregivers through direct coaching and the use of video feedback to support interactions all day every day, not just during a treatment session.


At Team Autism Memphis we know developmental disorders affect the entire family. Our team helps address these issues and treats the priorities of each case. Whether it is adapting a writing instrument for a child to be independent in writing his or her name, treating a child who is non-verbal, or developing a sensory area in a family’s home, each family’s priorities drive the treatment plan.